Everbuild Pink Grip Grab Adhesive – 350ml – 486022

Everbuild Pink Grip Grab Adhesive – 350ml – 486022
Item in Stock (105 Available)
Product Code: 139800
RRP. £ 5.82
£ 3.69
£ 2.95 (ex. VAT)
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Product Information
Pinkgrip will stick just about anything on a building site that needs sticking|Its amazing grabbing strength not only removes the need to pin under the workpiece to prevent slumping, but its revolutionary initial ‘Direct Bond’ eliminates the need for double stick methods.|Pinkgrip can be used inside and outside and adheres to just about every building substrate: brick, metal, timber, concrete and plastic|Food Safe|Will not taint or contaminate food when cured|Solvent based|Overpaintable when cured|Quick curing/drying
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